CIS Blog

Canadian Investigative Solutions will be providing a monthly blog dedicated to providing insights, stories, and information related to the world of private investigation.


September 2023


Ontario, and specifically the Greater Toronto Area has seen a huge increase in the number of stolen vehicles in the past 5 years.

CIS will not get into the reasons for the increase, but CIS can give some insight to the top  high risk vehicles stolen and some tips to ensure your vehicle does not end up in one of our investigative folders.

 2022 – 2023 High Risk Vehicles to be stolen:

1.      Acura RDX

2.     Dodge RAM 1500

3.     Honda CRV

4.     Jeep Grand Cherokee

5.     Jeep Wrangler

6.     Land Rover, Range Rover

7.     Lexus RX350

8.    Toyota Highlander

Now keep in mind just because your vehicle is not on this list does not mean it is not at a risk to have your vehicle stolen.

Preventing vehicle theft is essential to protect your property and ensure your safety.

Here are some tips to help you reduce the risk of having your vehicle stolen:

Lock Your Doors: Always lock your car doors, even if you're just stepping away for a moment.

Don't Leave Keys Inside: Never leave your keys in the car, even if you're running a quick errand. Believe us when we say thieves often look for opportunities! Do not give them one.

Use Anti-Theft Devices: Consider installing anti-theft devices like steering wheel locks, or immobilizers. These devices act as deterrents and can make it more difficult for thieves to steal your vehicle.

Park in Well-Lit Areas: When parking, choose well-lit, busy areas, especially at night.

 Garage: If you have a garage, use it to store your vehicle. Lock the garage doors and consider additional security measures for the garage itself.

 Install a Tracking Device: GPS tracking devices can help law enforcement locate your vehicle if it's stolen. Some newer vehicles come equipped with this technology, but you can also install aftermarket options. APPLE Air Tags work great!

Don't Leave Valuables Visible: Thieves may break into a car if they see valuables like laptops, bags, or electronics inside. Keep your car interior clean and free of tempting items.

Another item I also like to add is do not leave your wallet or purse in the vehicle. I am guilty of this as well because it is a habit and convenient, but if your vehicle gets stolen now you could be looking at a identity theft in the future.

Use a Visible Deterrent: Display a steering wheel lock or a visible alarm system sticker, even if you have an alarm installed. These can discourage thieves from attempting to steal your vehicle.

Remember the CLUB? It could be your new best friend.

Be Mindful of Online Sharing: Avoid sharing your vehicle's location or details on social media. Some thieves monitor online posts to identify potential targets.

Remember when using social media to not show your house, place of work or anything that can be tracked.

Showing a picture of your new car could get a thieve looking for that type of vehicle interested. They could look through older posts and see if you have shown tips or clues of where you work or live.

Invest in Security Cameras: If possible, install security cameras around your property to deter thieves and provide evidence if a theft occurs.

Remember, while these tips can help reduce the risk of vehicle theft, no measure is entirely foolproof. Being vigilant and proactive in protecting your vehicle is your best defense against theft.


October 2023


Many of our CIS clients are always commenting and surprised when the police do not show up at their house after they report their vehicle has been stolen. In this blog we will be discussing “Police Priorities”.

Understanding police priorities when reporting a stolen vehicle can help you understand the process more effectively. Keep in mind that police priorities can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the resources available in each area.

Here are some general points to consider:

Safety First: The safety of persons is the top priority for law enforcement. If the stolen vehicle incident involves an immediate threat to someone's life or safety, the police will prioritize responding to that situation first.

Violent Crimes: Police often prioritize responding to violent crimes or crimes in progress over property crimes like stolen vehicles. If there is an ongoing emergency, it will take precedence.

In-Progress Crimes: Calls related to crimes in progress, such as robberies, or assaults that are currently happening, are given a higher priority than calls about past incidents.

Level of Violence or Aggression: Calls involving a high level of violence or aggression, regardless of the type of offense, may be considered a higher priority.

Potential for Escalation: Situations where there is a potential for the situation to escalate or worsen, such as domestic disputes or large public gatherings, may be given priority to prevent further harm.

Repeat or Chronic Issues: Calls related to ongoing problems or chronic issues in a community may be prioritized based on the perceived impact on public safety and community concerns.

911 Caller's Assessment: The information provided by the caller is important. The dispatcher will ask questions to assess the situation, and this information can influence the priority assigned to the call.

Available Resources: Police services must consider the availability of officers and resources. If there are limited resources, they may need to prioritize more urgent calls.

Policies and Procedures: Each police service may have its own policies and procedures for prioritizing calls. These can be influenced by local crime trends, community priorities, and available resources.

Legal Requirements: Some jurisdictions have legal requirements that dictate how certain types of calls must be prioritized.

Remember that police priorities can shift depending on the police service’s policies and the current crime situation in your area.


November 2023


In today’s car market there is an epidemic in buying a re-vinned (re-VINned) car, also known as a "cloned" or "rebuilt" vehicle, it can be risky as it may have a fraudulent or altered Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

Most of these re-vinned vehicles come from private sale or when purchasing a used vehicle from a less than reputable dealership. Unfortunately there have been times when just because you purchase a vehicle from a reputable dealership it does not guarantee you are not buying a re-vinned vehicle.

If your vehicle gets stolen and it comes up as a re-vinned vehicle the insurance company, you have your policy will do a full investigation prior to settling your claim. This investigation could take up to a year to complete prior to settling or they may not settle at all if they believe you did not do your due diligence prior to the purchase of your vehicle.

CIS offers a service whereby we examine and ensure that your vehicle is not a re-vinned vehicle giving you piece of mind when your complete your purchase.

CIS will conduct the following:

-         Obtain a Vehicle History Report the VIN:

-         Ensure that the VIN on the vehicle matches the one on the title, registration, and any available service records.

-         Look for signs of tampering or mismatched VIN plates, such as misalignment, variations in font, or evidence of removal and replacement.

-         Verify Ownership and Title:

-         Check the seller's identification and ensure their name matches the name on the title.

-         Examine the title for any discrepancies or signs of forgery.

-         Have the vehicle inspected by a trusted mechanic before purchasing.

-         Check for salvage or rebuilt titles.

Remember always be cautious if the price seems unusually low for the make and model. Scammers often use attractive pricing to lure buyers.